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Logistical Elements


Clients can be provided with a copy of the schedule. The schedule identifies each phase of the project, the overall critical path and the vital elements through each phase to Completion.

We view the schedule as the hub of information going to and from the jobsite, material procurement and financial control.

Processes & Procedures

We have sought to strike a balance at Mirara between creativity and control. To attract and maintain good talent, we give our employees room to be creative within their roles but require them to operate within strict business controls. These procedures have been mapped and documented. The onsite and office staff helped to compile these documents. This ensures that the procedures are practical and efficient and work between Jobsite and Office.

Material Procurement

Materials are one of the largest inputs to any project. Proper handling of the logistics and costs can have a large impact on the timelines and success of a job. We continuously ensure our material procurement system is secure, accurate, and accountable and communicates properly with our Accounting system.

We view our relationships with suppliers a key element in our business plan. Internal systems of technology and processes allow us to more efficiently plan material needs, negotiate prices with suppliers, track pricing trends, manage inventory and communicate delivery status between jobsite and office. They also adds visibility to cash flow and increases efficiency of our operational structure - all helping to control costs and stay on schedule.

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